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This view will output:
all client WIP budgets which have been entered at CLIENT level
the actual figures posted within the period, along with the variance between the actual and the budgeted figures
an OtherBudget value representing the sum of all budgeted figures which have not been entered at client level
Inherits columns from ibvClientCategorisation Plus:
BudgetType | Client/OtherBudget - The level to which the budget was set. |
PeriodYear | The year of the budget |
PeriodNumber | The time period number within the year |
ExpectedCharge | The budgeted charge amount in money |
ExpectedCost | The budgeted cost amount in money |
ExpectedTime | The budgeted amount in minutes |
ActualCharge | The actual WIP posted |
ActualCost | The actual WIP posted |
ActualTime | The actual Time posted in minutes |
VarianceCharge | The variance between the actual and the expected charge expressed as an amount |
VarianceCost | The variance between the actual and the expected charge expressed as an amount |
VarianceTime | The variance between the actual and the expected charge expressed in minutes |
Group by the period number within the year and by client.
Expense postings excluded from actual figures
Any posting types which are not included in Gross WIP figures. The posting types being equivalent to those which make up the Gross WIP (Time) figure on the WIP Movements report