Business View ibvLatestJobInstance


This view presents job instance information for the latest job instance for a client and job type combination combined with the status information gleaned from the job stage with the highest sequence number that has been completed.

It also shows details for the latest 'to do' item associated directly with the job instance

This view follows the same conventions as the practice suite in that, if a job instance has been marked complete then this overrides the latest job stage and the entire job is considered complete

Type = End user view giving current status of the latest job instance by client and job type



Inherits columns from view icvLatestJobInstance plus

StageInternalId The internal identifier of the latest completed job stage (if any)
TemplateInternalId Internal identifier of the template the job stage is derived from (if any)
StageDue Any due date marked on the latest completed job stage (if any)
StageCompleted Date the latest completed job stage was marked completed (if any)
WhoCompletedStage Internal identifier of staff member who marked the latest completed job stage as completed (if any).
StageDescription The description of the latest completed job stage (if any). If there is none then this will be 'No stages complete'
StageSequence The sequence number of the latest completed job stage (within the job profile). If there is no completed job stage this is zero.
SortableDescription The description of the latest completed job stage preceeded by the stage sequence number (so that the column can be meaningfully used for sorting on)

The deduced status of the job

  • Job completed = Entire job instance has been marked complete
  • As latest job stage = The user visible description of the latest completed job stage
  • Scheduled = Job has been marked as scheduled
  • Planning = Job has been marked as in planning
  • Pending = No job stages yet completed and no further information on job

JobStatusLogged If the job has been completed, or has avalid latest stage complete, then this is the date logged against the status
JobStatusLoggedBy If the job has been completed, or has avalid latest stage complete, then this is internal identifier of the staff member who logged the status
ToDoInternalId Internal identifier of any 'to do' item present. You can use the fact that this is not null as criteria for the existence of a 'to do' item.
ToDoSubject Subject text for any 'to do' present
ToDoPriority Priority text for any 'to do' present (see idvToDo)
ToDoStatus Status of any 'to do' present (see idvToDo)
ToDoDue Due date of any 'to do' present
ToDoAssigned When any 'to do' present was assigned
ToDoAssignedTo Identifier of staff member any 'to do' present is assigned to
ToDoAssignedToName Name of staff member any 'to do' present is assigned to
ToDoAssignedBy Identifier of staff member who assigned any 'to do' present
ToDoAssignedByName Name of staff member who assigned any 'to do' present
ToDoCompleted When any 'to do' present was completed
ToDoStatusSet When the latest status was set on any 'to do' present
ToDoStatusSetBy Identifier of staff member who set the latest status on any 'to do' present
ToDoStatusSetByName Name of staff member who set the latest status on any 'to do' present