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This view aggregates fees ledger movement totals by client, period and posting type.
Because this view is driven by cross joins over clients, periods and posting types it is guaranteed that all combinations will be present. Any absent raw totals in the lower level views are returned by this view as zero.
The ex VAT total must be treated with caution. Ex VAT figures are available to the extent that you have entered them. Specifically, receipt ex VAT figures will not differ from the VAT inclusive figures if you have not entered VAT details on the receipts. Similarly, if you have entered VAT information against receipts and also against your proforma invoices the VAT details will be shown for both types.
There are two common cases:
No VAT accounted directly on receipts. Ex VAT totals will differ from gross totals for invoices, credit notes and, possibly, write offs (if entered). The difference between gross and ex VAT represents the VAT liability.
VAT accounted directly on receipts. Ex VAT totals will differ from gross for receipts and also for the proforma invoices (and other documents). The ex VAT totals represent movements on the ledger with the effects of VAT removed, but, since the VAT element is present on the receipt AND invoice, the deduced VAT cannot be used
Type = End user business view, incorporating business logic
ClientObjectType |
The object type of the client that the figures are for. |
ClientInternalId |
The internal identifier of the client that the figures are for. |
Year |
The fees ledger year that the figures relate to. |
Period |
The fees ledger period that the figures relate to. |
PostingType |
The posting type that the figures relate to (see function idvFeesPostingType) |
PostTypeDesc |
The posting type that the figures relate to in human readable form |
PostingCategory |
The posting category that the figures relate to (see function idvFeesPostingCategory). In practice the posting category is completely deducible from the posting type, but the function that deduces it is not available at this level of view. |
PostCatDesc |
The posting category that the figures relate to in human readable form |
Total |
The total (VAT inclusive) for the client, period and type combination. This total follows normal credit negative fees ledger conventions |
ExVATTotal |
The ex VAT total for the client, period and type combination. This total follows the same sign convention as the previous column. |
This view is directly inherited by the following views: