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This view shows the basic details about a client; the clients name, address and main contacts.
It combines with two other views the "ibvClientCategorisation" and the "idvMainAddress".
If there is no main contact specified for a person, then this it will be the person himself.
This view is suitable for any user wanting access to the basic details for a client.
This view also contains the columns from the following views (select the link to see the detail):
ContactName |
Name for the main contact |
ContactSurname |
Surname for the main contact |
ContactInitials |
Initials for the main contact |
ContactTitle |
Title for the main contact |
ContactForenames |
Forenames for the main contact |
ContactFormalSalutation |
Formal salutation for the main contact |
ContactInformalSalutation |
Informal salutation for the main contact |
ContactPhoneNumber |
Phone number for the main contact |
ContactFAXNumber |
FAX number for the main contact |
ContacteMailAddress |
Email address for the main contact |