How to view IRIS OpenSpace documents with IRIS Communications


If you are using IRIS OpenSpace, you now have the ability to see which documents have been uploaded and which documents have been sent, within the communications tracking screen.


In order to see these columns:

  1. Open IRIS Practice Management.

  2. Click Launch | Client lookup

  3. View a client, for example, A001.

  4. Select the Communications tab.

  5. Click Configure.

Column Name - Upload to OS:

Green tick - this represents documents that have been uploaded to IRIS OpenSpace.

Orange Caution Mark - this represents documents that have been overwritten within IRIS, but the user chooses not to Upload a new copy within IRIS OpenSpace.

Column Name - Sent from OS:

Green tick - this represents documents which have been added to IRIS OpenSpace, where the user has the ability to log to IRIS Communications. This action is solely performed via accessing the IRIS Client dashboard and cannot be performed via the IRIS OpenSpace website directly.