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# |
Acronym |
Normal Form |
Description |
1 |
CY |
Current Year |
Data that is attributed to the current financial year, based on date. |
2 |
LY |
Last Year |
Data that is attributed to the previous financial year, based on the current financial year. |
3 |
1YA |
1 Year Ago |
Data that is attributed to the previous financial year, based on the current financial year. |
4 |
2YA |
2 Year Ago |
Data that is attributed to the financial year 2 years prior to the current financial year, based on the current financial year. |
5 |
3YA |
3 Year Ago |
Data that is attributed to the previous financial year, based on date. |
6 |
YoY |
Year on Year |
Data that is in the selected financial year against the year before the selected year. |
7 |
Year to Date |
All data from the start of the selected year to the current date in that year. |
8 |
AT |
All Time |
All data since time began for a particular slice. |
9 |
TD |
To Date |
Data from earliest date selected to the upper date bound selected. |
10 |
LM |
Last Month |
Data in the month prior to the month selected. |
11 |
IM |
In Month |
Data for the current selected month. |
12 |
SM |
Same Month |
Data in the |
13 |
Same Period Last Year |
Data in the same period that is selected for the previous financial year. |
14 |
Same Period Year Before Last |
Data in the same period that is selected for the financial year 2 years ago. |
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year.
Description: Returns Invoices minus credit notes.
Included in the metric:
Range: Final month of selected financial year.
Description: This measure returns the final value for of WIP, all time is summed and WIP which has been either written off or written out is subtracted.
Included in the metric: [Outstanding Gross Fees]
Range: Final month of selected financial year.
Description: Returns a sum of the unmatched fees at the end of a given financial year.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year.
Description: Returns the summed value of entries in the Time ledger where the entry is chargeable and a posting type of either “Timesheet Entry” or “Timesheet Adjustment”.
Included in the metric: [WIP Lockup]
Range: Selected financial year.
Description: Returns the number of locked up days for WIP in the last month of the financial year.
Included in the metric: [Debt Lockup]
Range: Final month of selected financial year.
Description: Returns the number of Lockup up days for Debt in the last month of the financial year.
Included in the metric: [Total Days Lockup]
Range: Final month of selected financial year.
Description: Returns the sum of WIP and Debt lockup at the end of the financial year, to indicate an approximate number of days lockup.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year.
Description: The average value of an invoice minus any credit notes in a given time slice.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year.
Description: Returns a percentage value for growth of [Net Fees] between the selected financial year and the previous financial year as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Chargeable Hours Spent]
Range: Selected financial year.
Description: Comparison of chargeable time logged in the time ledger and chargeable time targets defined in the staff targets table.
Included in the metric: [Ratio of Credit Notes to Invoices]
Range: Selected financial year.
Description: Returns the ratio of the number of invoices issued against the number of credit notes issued, returned as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Administration Time Spent], [Total Time Spent]
Range: Selected financial year.
Description: Returns the value of the administration time spent, for example £15,000 worth and the ratio of time spent on administration against time spent on other activities as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Chargeable Time Spent], [Total Time Spent]
Range: Selected financial year.
Description: Returns the value of the chargeable time spent, for example £50,000 worth and the ratio of time spent on chargeable work against time spent on other activities as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Non-Accountable Time Spent], [Total Time Spent]
Range: Selected financial year.
Description: Returns the value of the non-accountable time spent, for example £7500 worth and the ratio of unaccountable time against time spent on other activities as a percentage.
Included in the KPI: [Fee], [Fee LY]
Range: Selected financial year and previous financial year.
Description: Returns the sum of this years fees, the sum of last years fees and the difference between them, as a value and a percentage.
Included in the KPI: [Count of Distinct Job Instance Id], [Count of Distinct Job Instance Id LY]
Range: Selected financial year and previous financial year.
Description: Returns the number of distinct client jobs in year, the number of distinct client jobs in the previous year and the difference as a percentage.
Included in the KPI: [Chargeable Time Spent], [Chargeable Time Spent LY]
Range: Selected financial year and previous financial year.
Description: Returns the value of chargeable time spent in year, the value of chargeable time spent in the previous year and the difference as a percentage.
Included in the KPI: [Lost Clients], [Lost Clients LY]
Range: Selected financial year and previous financial year.
Description: Returns the number of clients lost in year, the number of clients lost in the previous year and the difference as a percentage.
Included in the KPI: [New Clients], [New Clients LY]
Range: Selected financial year and previous financial year.
Description: Returns the number of clients gained in year, the number of clients gained in the previous year and the difference as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Chargeable Hours Spent], [Targeted Hours]
Range: The selected month and the same month in the previous financial year.
Description: Returns hours spent on chargeable work, target of chargeable hours spent and the difference as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Chargeable Hours Spent], [Targeted Hours]
Range: From the beginning of the selected year to the current date and the same time span in the previous financial year.
Description: Returns hours spent on chargeable work and target of chargeable hours spent apportioned across the number of months in the selection, and the difference as a percentage
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: From the beginning of the selected year to the current date and the same time span in the previous financial year.
Description: Returns the value of expected fees as a client partner for a date selection, the value of expected fees for date selection in the previous year and the difference between them as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: From the beginning of the selected year to the current date and the same time span in the previous financial year.
Description: Returns the value of expected fees raised as a client manager for both time spans and the difference between them as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Expected Fees]
Range: From the beginning of the selected year to the current date and the same time span in the previous financial year.
Description: Returns the average value of expected fees for a client Partner for both time spans and the difference between them as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Expected Fees]
Range: From the beginning of the selected year to the current date and the same time span in the previous financial year.
Description: Returns the average value of expected fees for a client manager for both time spans, and the difference between them as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Fees]
Range: From the beginning of the selected year to the current date and the same time span in the previous financial year.
Description: Returns the value of fees for a client partner for both time spans, and the difference between them as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Fees]
Range: From the beginning of the selected year to the current date and the same time span in the previous financial year.
Description: Returns the value of fees for a client manager for both time spans, and the difference between them as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Fees]
Range: The selected month in the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the billing deadline for the current selected month.
Included in the metric: [Fees]
Range: The selected month in the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the close down deadline for the current selected month.
Included in the metric: [Chargeable Time Spent]
Range: The selected month in the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the amount of chargeable time spent in hours on trust clients.
Included in the metric: [Chargeable Time Spent]
Range: The selected month in the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the amount of chargeable time spent in hours on business clients.
Included in the metric: [Chargeable Time Spent]
Range: The selected month in the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the amount of chargeable time spent in hours on person clients.
Included in the metric: [Chargeable Time Spent]
Range: The selected month in the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the amount of non-chargeable time spent in hours.
Included in the metric: [Invoices (ex-VAT)]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the sum of fees excluding VAT raised in that financial period.
Included in the metric: [Debt]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the sum of debt including VAT raised in that financial period.
Included in the metric: [Recovery Amount]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the sum of the client recovery, which is the difference between [WIP Written Out] and [Fee], the value can indicate profit, loss or cost recovery.
Included in the metric: [Recovery Amount]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year to the latest date selection.
Description: Returns the sum of the client recovery, which is the difference between [WIP Written Out] and [Fee], the value can indicate profit, loss or cost recovery.
Included in the metric: [Recovery Amount]
Range: All recovery data ever recorded against a client.
Description: Returns the sum of the client recovery, which is the difference between [WIP Written Out] and [Fee], the value can indicate profit, loss or cost recovery.
Included in the metric: [WIP Written Out], [Fee Write Out]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns recovery as a percentage for jobs.
Included in the metric: [Count of Clients with Negative Recovery], [Count of Clients with Recovery in Period]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the number of clients with a negative recovery in a given time slice.
Included in the metric: [Count of Clients with Positive Recovery], [Count of Clients with Recovery in Period]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the number of clients with a Positive recovery in a given time slice.
Included in the metric: [Recovery]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of negative recovery in a given time slice.
Included in the metric: [Recovery]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of positive recovery in a given time slice.
Included in the metric: [Invoices (ex-VAT)]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the sum of fees excluding VAT raised in that financial period.
Included in the metric: [VAT Amount]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the sum of VAT against invoices raised in that financial period.
Included in the metric: [Sum of Unmatched]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the total value of the invoices which has not been matched in that financial period.
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: All data included in the selected financial year and the month previous to that selected.
Description: Returns the total value of the invoices in the month previous to that which is selected.
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: All invoices ever recorded against a client.
Description: Returns the total value all invoices.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data in a selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the total value all credit notes.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data in a selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the total value all refunds.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data in a selected month for the previous financial year.
Description: Returns the total value all refunds.
Included in the metric: [Invoices (ex-VAT)], [Credit Notes (ex-VAT)]
Range: All data in a selected month of the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the net value of invoices minus credit notes.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data in a selected month for the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the number of clients which were billed.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data in a selected month for the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the average invoice value.
Included in the metric: [Time Sheet Amount]
Range: All data in a selected month for the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the value of time entries which are chargeable and have neither been written off nor written out and is thus the outstanding amount of work to be done by value.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data in a selected month for the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the value of fees raised which have not been matched at that point in time.
Included in the metric: [Outstanding WIP], [Outstanding Gross Fees]
Range: All data in a selected month for the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the sum of the locked up WIP and locked up fees.
Included in the metric: [Outstanding Gross Fees], [Annual Fees]
Range: Calculates the value for a financial year month slice.
Description: Returns the ratio of outstanding fees to total fees raised and multiples the result by 365. This is supposed to give a guide to whether locked up debt is increasing or decreasing.
Included in the metric: [Outstanding WIP], [Annual Fees]
Range: Calculates the value for a financial year month slice.
Description: Returns the ratio of outstanding WIP to total fees raised and multiples the result by 365. This is supposed to give a guide to whether locked up WIP is increasing or decreasing.
Included in the metric: [WIP Lockup], [Debt Lockup]
Range: Calculates the value for a financial year month slice.
Description: Returns the sum of WIP Lockup as days and Debt Lockup as days to indicate overall locked up value in days.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data in a selected month for the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the value of fees raised which have not been matched at that point in time.
Included in the metric: [Time Sheet Amount]
Range: All data in a selected month for the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the value of time entries which are chargeable and have neither been written off nor written out and is thus the outstanding amount of work to be done by value.
Included in the metric: [Outstanding WIP], [Outstanding Fees]
Range: All data in a selected month for the selected financial year.
Description: Returns the summed value of WIP which has neither been written off nor written out and fees which have not been matched yet.
Included in the metric: [Debt]
Range: All data in a selected month for the selected financial year.
Description: Returns value of unmatched fees including VAT.
Included in the metric: [Debt]
Range: All data for any given slice where time filters are ignored.
Description: Returns value of unmatched fees including VAT.
Included in the metric: [Debt]
Range: All data attributed to a period between 0 and 30 days old.
Description: Returns value of unmatched fees including VAT.
Included in the metric: [Debt]
Range: All data attributed to a period between 30 and 60 days old.
Description: Returns value of unmatched fees including VAT.
Included in the metric: [Debt]
Range: All data attributed to a period between 60 and 90 days old.
Description: Returns value of unmatched fees including VAT.
Included in the metric: [Debt]
Range: All data attributed to a period between 90 and 120 days old.
Description: Returns value of unmatched fees including VAT.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data.
Description: Returns a value indicating whether a client is Active, New, Lost or Inactive.
Included in the KPI:
Range: All data.
Description: Returns either a green tick indicating that the client has records in the Accounts table or a red cross indicating that the client does not have records in the Accounts table.
Included in the KPI:
Range: All data.
Description: Returns either a green tick indicating that the client has records in the Fees table or a red cross indicating that the client does not have records in the Fees table.
Included in the KPI:
Range: All data.
Description: Returns either a green tick indicating that the client has records in the Tax table or a red cross indicating that the client does not have records in the Tax table.
Included in the KPI:
Range: All data.
Description: Returns either a green tick indicating that the client has records in the Time table or a red cross indicating that the client does not have records in the Time table.
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: Latest financial year.
Description: Returns fees raised.
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: Previous financial year.
Description: Returns fees raised.
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: Year before the previous financial year.
Description: Returns fees raised.
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: 3 years before the current financial year.
Description: Returns fees raised.
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: 4 years before the current financial year.
Description: Returns fees raised.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data.
Description: Returns the age of a client or the average age of all clients listed as a total.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data.
Description: Returns the financial year a client was registered in the database and the last financial year a client had activity in before becoming a lost client.
Included in the metric:
Range: Current and previous financial years.
Description: Returns the number of active clients in the current financial year and the number of active clients in the previous year, separated by a slash.
Included in the metric:
Range: Current and previous financial years.
Description: Returns the number of new clients in the current financial year and the number of new clients in the previous year, separated by a slash.
Included in the metric:
Range: Current and previous financial years.
Description: Returns the number of lost clients in the previous financial year and the number of lost clients in the year preceding the previous year, separated by a slash.
Included in the metric:
Range: All data.
Description: Clients which have never had a record entered in any of the modules which were included in the client status analysis table.
Included in the metric:
Range: Current and previous financial years.
Description: Returns the difference in number of new clients as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Clients Gained CY], [Clients Lost CY], [Clients Active CY], [Clients Gained LY], [Clients Lost LY], [Clients Active LY]
Range: Current and previous financial years.
Description: Returns the difference in the net value of clients as a percentage. This is calculated using the average value of fees raised per customer over the past 5 years in each distribution of client status and comparing the previous year to the current year.
Included in the metric: [Clients Status], [Fees CY], [Fees 1YA], [Fees 2YA], [Fees 3YA], [Fees 4YA]
Range: Last 5 financial years from start date.
Description: Returns the difference as a percentage between the average value of business per year for the active client base and that of the new, lost and active client base. Shows whether the value of the customer base is improving over time.
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: Selected financial year and previous financial year to the selected year
Description: Returns the variance between fees as a percentage. Shows whether fees are increasing or decreasing over time.
Included in the metric: [Fee]
Range: Financial year that was 5 years ago and each financial year after it.
Description: Returns the variance between fees as a percentage. Shows whether fees are increasing or decreasing in selected year compared to the financial year which was 5 years ago.
Included in the metric:
Range: Data for a selected financial year.
Description: Returns the age of a client or the average age of all clients for that client partner as a total.
Included in the metric: [Active Clients CY], [Active Clients LY]
Range: Current Financial year and previous financial year.
Description: Returns the variance between the number of active clients between the selected financial years as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Active Clients LY], [Active Clients 2YA]
Range: Previous financial year and financial year 2 years ago.
Description: Returns the variance between the number of active clients between the selected financial years as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Active Clients 2YA], [Active Clients 3YA]
Range: Financial year 2 years ago and financial year 3 years ago.
Description: Returns the variance between the number of active clients between the selected financial years as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Worth of Active Clients CY], [Worth of Active Clients LY]
Range: Current Financial year and previous financial year.
Description: Returns the variance between the worth of active clients between the selected financial years as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Worth of Active Clients LY], [Worth of Active Clients 2YA]
Range: Previous financial year and financial year 2 years ago.
Description: Returns the variance between the worth of active clients between the selected financial years as a percentage.
[Change in Worth of Active 2YA / 3YA]
Included in the metric: [Worth of Active Clients 2YA], [Worth of Active Clients 3YA]
Range: Financial year 2 years ago and financial year 3 years ago.
Description: Returns the variance between the worth of active clients between the selected financial years as a percentage.
Included in the metric: [Outstanding WIP]
Range: Current financial year.
Description: Returns the value of time entries which are chargeable and have neither been written off nor written out and is thus the outstanding amount of work to be done by value.
Included in the metric: [Sum of Outstanding Gross Fees]
Range: Current financial year.
Description: Returns the value of the unmatched portion of fees.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the sum of the average spend per year over the last 5 years per customer, used to see whether the spend is increasing on average.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the number of active clients, used to see whether the client base for a partner is increasing.
Included in the metric: [Invoices – Credit Notes]
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Invoices minus credit notes.
Included in the metric: [Cash Paid], [Cash Received]
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: The sum of cash paid in and cash paid out.
Included in the metric: [Invoices – Credit Notes]
Range: Selected financial year to and including the current selected month.
Description: Invoices minus credit notes.
Included in the metric: [Cash Paid], [Cash Received]
Range: Selected financial year to and including the current selected month.
Description: The sum of cash paid in and cash paid out.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the billing deadline for a given month.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the close down date for a given month.
Included in the metric:
Range: Financial year before that which is selected.
Description: Invoices minus credit notes.
Included in the metric:
Range: Financial year before that which is selected.
Description: Invoices minus credit notes.
Included in the metric:
Range: Financial year before that which is selected.
Description: Returns the sum of cash paid in and cash paid out.
Included in the metric:
Range: Financial year before that which is selected.
Description: Returns the sum of cash paid in and cash paid out.
Included in the metric:
Range: Dates between a Period End date range.
Description: Returns the number of unique jobs against clients.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value WIP postings in the time ledger which are ad-hoc for a given selection.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of the WIP which has been written back into the time ledger after having been removed from it.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of WIP that has been written off, WIP which has been cancelled.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of WIP that has been written out, work that has been completed.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of Fees which were written out against time.
Included in the metric: [WIP Written Out], [Fee Written Out]
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of recovery against a client job.
Included in the metric: [WIP Written Out], [Fee Written Out]
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of recovery against a client job as a percentage.
Included in the metric:
Range: Same period in the previous financial year to that selected.
Description: Returns the value of Fees which were written out against time.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of WIP written with the sign flipped so that it can be compared against fee write outs in visuals.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of the amount a transaction in the fees ledger is worth, this amount can be many different transaction types.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of the VAT a transaction in the fees ledger is worth, this amount can be many different transaction types.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the sum of debt including VAT raised in that financial period.
Included in the metric:
Range: Selected financial year and month.
Description: Returns the value of outstanding time which has not yet been written out or written off.