Tax Return
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How can I print a blank return?
The option to print a blank return will be available only if a single part of the return is selected.
For example, to print a blank main form, ensure that none of the supplementary pages are ticked on the tax return form options.
The print blank return report option will then be available (rather than grayed out).
How can I print a range of pages?
Print the tax return to screen then use the page range icon located in the top left of the screen to select the range of pages to be printed
Where does the data in box x.xx (that is, anywhere on the return) come from? or How do I enter data in box x.xx/Qnn?
Click here for box finder help.
How can I print detailed schedules to the return?
The Schedules of Data will print the information that is used to make up the totals shown in the boxes on the tax return.
The client is due a refund but the Tax Calculation section has not been completed (2007 Q19 is not ticked). Why?
From the reliefs etc tab, click on the miscellaneous option then repayment claim, this section must be completed if the client has a repayment.
Alternatively this section can also by accessing the setup menu and selecting the repayment claim option, this allows a global default to be set enabling this section to be completed automatically.
Personal Tax has computed a payment on account in box 9 on TCS1 (2007: 18.6). The amount should be lower or nil. How is it changed/computed?
The payment on account is computed automatically based on the tax due (shown in box 2 on TCS1 (2008 : 18.3)).
The amount is basically 50% of the tax due but the following factors affect the computation:
Capital gains tax due is deducted from the tax due before computing the limits shown below.
In 1997 the share of partnership tax and class 4 NIC (boxes 4.74 and 4.75) is added to the tax due before computing the limits shown below.
There will be no payment on-account if the tax due is less than £500
There will be no payment on-account if the tax due is less than £2,000 (£1,000 in 1999-2000 and earlier years), the return is filed before 31 October (30 September for 2007 and earlier years), and the tax due is to be collected through PAYE code as box 2 on TR5 (2007 : Q23.1A) has not been ticked.
There will be no payment on-account if the client has paid 80% or more of tax at source (PAYE, tax credits etc).
The SA system does not take account of sources of income that have ceased to exist when computing the payment on-account.
Therefore, if a client switches from Schedule D to PAYE then it is unlikely that payments on-account will be required.
In such cases, or when the client dies, a claim should be made to reduce the payment on-account.
To reduce the payment on-account (tick box 9 and reduce the figure in box 10 on TCS1 (2007 : 18.6 and 18.7) select the year ahead of the tax return year (that is, select year 2009 when making a claim to reduce the payments on-account shown on the 2008 tax return).
Select the option to claim to reduce payments OAC from the administration pull-down menu.
How is a partnership tax return (SA800) printed?
Use IRIS Business Tax to print the business return.
How is a trust return (SA900) printed?
The separate Trust Tax module is required.