Exception Reports
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An exception report states that it could not establish relief limit for old rules maintenance payment. How is the 5/4/89 amount entered?
Relief for maintenance payments under the old rules cannot be increased above the amount claimed in y/e 5/4/89. IRIS will check this but if the 5/4/89 amount has not been entered, an exception warning is printed.
To insert the 1989 payment, it is not necessary to edit the 1989 tax year (which is not available). Select the current tax year and choose Maintenance or Alimony paid.
The maintenance agreement will be listed on the screen.
Click Payments and then New to add a new payment. IRIS will prompt for payment made in a particular tax year. Press <PgUp> until it shows the period 6/4/88 to 5/4/89 and enter the amount.
There is an exception report for non-commercial lettings restricting the expenses. What does it mean?
Properties that do not charge a commercial rate for the rent cannot create a loss by claiming expenses that exceed the rent received.
If IRIS recognises the property as a non-commercial letting, the expenses will be restricted.
Check the type of property is not set to an Unfurnished Letting, Nominal Rent.
This is set via the Property in the UK.
Click the magnifying glass next to the income type field and select Unfurnished Letting and change to an alternative sub-type.