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The Tax products have the ability to handle multiple agents from a single practice. There can be more than one agent at a location that may have clients where FBI returns need to be submitted.
The program picks up the agent details as defined in the Alternative Accountant section, which is accessed through the Accountant option in Client Maintenance. Here you would set up the alternative agents and link the specific agent to the client.
If the agent is the main practice then there is no requirement to link the client in this way as the default is for the client to be linked to the main practice which is the agent in the majority of cases.
The default agent for Tax clients will be the main agent as defined by the details entered under the practice options area. This can be found under Setup on the main toolbar within the Tax products. It is in this area that the practice, including Internet (Tax Options) details are held.
If, however you have an alternative agent within the practice, it is possible for that agent to be linked to a client in order to file their tax return online.
It is the client that needs to be linked to the agent (other than the default agent) and this is done from within the client maintenance area. Click Accountant to access the client accountant options.
You will see that the default is set to Agent which is always the main accountant using the details from Practice Options. If you wish to link the client to an alternative agent you will have to click the check box to the left of Alternative Accountant section. Then click the magnifying glass to access the setup area. If the agent has already been set up you just select the relevant agent to be linked to the client.
If however there are no agents available you will need to set an agent up. Click New and enter the agent’s details including an Accountant ID. Now, select the Can act as agent check box as this will allow the FBI details to be entered which are specific to this new agent.
Once the agent has been set up and linked to the client a tax return can be produced in FBI format and sent online to the HM Revenue & Customs . This return will then contain the relevant agent’s details.
If you are a data centre user, it is highly unlikely that you will need to make a change in this area. You will be aware of how Branch’s work, that the client is linked to the branch by means of associating a partner in the practice with the client.
The Branch can also be the agent and these relevant agent details (username and password) are entered in the Branch Maintenance area. If the client is linked to a partner who is linked to a branch, any changes you make in the alternative accountant section will be ignored.
Linking to an alternative branch in the alternative accountant section will also be ignored as this functionality is for Accounts Production clients only.
If you need to link to an alternative accountant (rather than an alternative
branch) you will first have to de-link the Partner (Branch) from the client,
and then link in the alternative agent using the method mentioned above.