Change of Accounting Date


There are a number of conditions that affect the change of an accounting period end date:

If the new account period is 18 months or longer click here for more details.


A change in the accounting date will fall into one of the following four categories:


1 - New period is less than twelve months and ends in the same fiscal year as the previous period

The basis period for the fiscal year in which the change is made will be a long period ending on the new accounting period end date. If there is any overlap profit available, overlap relief may be claimed.


2 - New period is less than twelve months but ends in the fiscal year following the previous period

A twelve month basis period is constructed that ends on the new accounting period end date. This will mean that part of the profit from the preceding account period is taxed twice. This is stored as overlap profit.


3 - New period is longer than twelve months and ends in the fiscal year following the previous period

The basis period will be the whole of the new accounting period. As this will be longer than twelve months, if there is any overlap profit available, overlap relief may be claimed.


4 - New period is longer than twelve months and completely spans the following fiscal year

The basis period is constructed to a date ending twelve months before the new accounting period end date. This will mean that part of the profit from the preceding account period is taxed twice. This is stored as overlap profit.