e-Approval Frequently Asked Questions
Most recently added FAQ's
Click the 
icon to see the answer:
What file types can be approved?

Only PDF files can be approved at the moment.
Can an approved document be edited?

No, documents that have been approved are digitally sealed with a GlobalSign
security certificate.
How can a third party verify a document
that has been approved? 
Go to https://www.iris.co.uk/verify and type in the unique document ID.
Can the contents of an approved document
be obtained without an IRIS OpenSpace login? 
No, the only information that can be obtained is who approved the document
and when it was approved.
Can verification of a document approval
be obtained without a unique document ID? 
No, a document ID is required; the document ID is included in the approved
How much does IRIS OpenSpace e-Approval
cost to use? 
IRIS OpenSpace charges for e-Approvals
on a 1 credit per approval basis. Users can purchase credits via the Subscription
Prices for credits are as follows:
50 Approval Credits - £30
100 Approval Credits - £55
250 Approval Credits - £115
500 Approval Credits - £175
1000 Approval Credits - £200"
Is electronic approval legally binding?

Yes, we have developed e-Approval in IRIS OpenSpace to be fully compliant
with the Electronic Communications Act.