IRIS OpenSpace Frequently Asked Questions
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General FAQ's
Who is IRIS
OpenSpace for? 
IRIS OpenSpace is a cloud application for accountants to collaborate online
with their clients. IRIS OpenSpace has two primary functions:
Secure File Exchange
Electronic Document Approval
For more information about IRIS products for accountants visit
Where is IRIS
OpenSpace located? 
IRIS OpenSpace is hosted at Microsoft West Europe Azure Datacentre located
in Netherlands.
This can be confirmed by looking up the IP address.
How secure is my IRIS OpenSpace account?

Passwords are encrypted using a salting and hashing algorithm. This means
we don’t know your password, and anyone who looks in our database, can
never find out what your password is.
Are the files encrypted by IRIS OpenSpace?

All files are encrypted in transit using SSL and AES technologies.
Are my files in IRIS OpenSpace backed
Yes, Locally Redundant Storage is part of the Microsoft Azure platform
that IRIS OpenSpace runs on.
Simply put, this means that there are 3 copies of all data stored at the
Microsoft data centre; so if, for example, the main storage was to fail,
Azure would instantly switch over to one of the backups without any effect
on the application or its data.
What are the minimum requirements?

IRIS OpenSpace is a cloud application and therefore all you need is an
internet browser and an internet connection. We recommend the following
Google Chrome
Mozilla FireFox
Apple Safari
IE9 (or later)
IRIS OpenSpace does not work with Microsoft IE7 or earlier versions.
Is it possible to use IRIS OpenSpace on
a Smartphone or Tablet? 
Yes, IRIS OpenSpace only requires a browser the hardware is irrelevant.
So accessing IRIS OpenSpace on and iPhone or iPad is fine.
However, web browsers do not allow ‘uploads’ of anything but images from
the camera or photo album so you can’t get to a PDF stored on the device
unless you use an external app, for example Dropbox or OneDrive.
Does IRIS OpenSpace integrate with my
IRIS Software? 
Files can be uploaded directly into IRIS OpenSpace from the IRIS Accountancy
Suite at the push of a button.
I’ve forgotten
my password, how do I reset it? 
Click the Forgot your password? Link on the login page and submit your
email address.
When you click reset you will receive an email; click the unique link in
the email and re-create your new password.
Please note that IRIS do not have access to any user passwords, you must
reset your own password.
How do I download a file (or files)?

To download an individual file, click the filename and your internet browser
will take care of the rest.
If you wish to download multiple files at once check the relevant boxes
to the left of the filename and click Download
in the toolbar.
The files will be compressed into a single ZIP file which can be extracted
on your computer.
When uploading a file the system does
not show any progress indication 
Some internet browsers do not display the progress bar whilst uploading
files to IRIS OpenSpace; this is a known limitation of Internet Explorer
(versions 9 and earlier).
Who do I contact for support? 
Accountants can contact our customer support team.
Clients of accountants should contact their accountant.
For more information about IRIS Support please visit