This screen is accessed in the IRIS time ledger by clicking File > Staff > to staff browser.
Select the staff ID and view and then select the rates tab along the top.
By ticking the registered with time and fees box you use up one of your timesheet licences.
By ticking the no longer employed box you cancel the use of this licence.
We recommend you tick the no longer employed box as this retains the ex-staff’s historical database settings, unticking registered with time & fees clears them.
This is why we make use of this feature.
Back to Summary tab.
This screen is accessed in the IRIS time ledger by clicking file > staff > to staff browser.
Select the staff ID and view and then select the links tab along the top.
Each staff ID can be given a Partner and Manager assigned to them as part of an organisation structure.
The Department and Category boxes are where you assign the Staff ID to their related category choices which you have created in Figure 8 and Figure 10 where the purpose of these are further explained.