Fixed Asset Register Frequently Asked Questions
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How do I remove disposal information?

To remove disposal information for an asset, delete any information in
the following fields:
Date of disposal
Proceeds of disposal
End date for depreciation
Change the profit/loss on disposal account to be 0 - ** Suspense
Is it possible to transfer an asset
from one group to another? 
Currently it is not possible to transfer an asset from one group to another.
If you want to change the group, delete the current asset and then set
it up again under the new group.
How do I deal with a part disposal?

Currently it is not possible to partly dispose of an asset. Instead delete
the current asset and set up two assets, one being the proportion of the
asset being retained and the other being the proportion being disposed
What method does the Fixed Asset Register
use to allocate the finance charge between accounting periods?

Fixed Asset Register uses the sum of digits method to allocate the finance
charge between accounting periods.
How do I enter a new depreciation rate?

New depreciation rates can only be entered through Accounts Production.
In Accounts Production select Setup
| Depreciation Policies.
Rates set up here are available to all clients.