Data Protection: Guidance on data accuracy and rectification


Data protection law imposes obligations on users to ensure the accuracy of the personal data that is processed as well as keeping it up to date where necessary.

The IRIS Accountancy Suite (IAS) has several features to assist users with data accuracy:

Also access to IAS and any sensitive client data may be restricted in several ways potentially preventing rectification to client information in specific scenarios:

  1. Group permissions are used to set permissions on the level of access the user has, for example, full access, restricted access, read only and no access. For more information see online help IRIS General: Staff Group Permissions and IRIS General: Permissions.
  2. Staff privileges can be placed on the areas of the system each user has access to, for example, common privileges as well as privileges which are specific to each of the modules. For more information see online help IRIS General: Staff Privileges.
  3. Confidential client feature allows the user to set a password on a client and thereby restricting staff access to the client to only those with the password. This feature can assist in restricting access to a client to ensure there is a block on processing activities within IAS if necessary. See KnowledgeBase article IAS-1794: How to password protect a client.

Data can also be rectified and resubmitted to Companies House and HMRC (within the limits of what is defined/regulated by Companies House and HMRC). To rectify information with either government body consult with them on their processes around rectification of any data submitted and accepted by them.