File Menu


Below describes each option from the File menu on the toolbar in more detail.

There are several options under this menu which are as follows:


Search Addresses

Selecting File | Search | Addresses displays a list of all addresses created on the IRIS database in postcode order. This screen can be used to check addresses contained in the database to ensure existing addresses are shared rather than duplicated. A search can be carried out for an address using the search criteria at the bottom of the screen.


Criteria which can be searched on are:

Clicking View displays the full details of the highlighted address.


The Address Details screen has the following options:

Clicking Close on all these screens will go back to the main program screen.



The options available here are documents that may be requested by IRIS support.


Latest Diagnostic

Go to File | Tools | Latest Diagnostic. This opens up a diagnostic of Company Secretarial/Company Formations in a notepad file.


S/D Error Log

Go to File | Tools | S/D Error Log. This will open up an error log in a word padnotepad file.


Batch Event Date Stamp

In Company Secretarial only, go to File | Tools | Batch Event Date Stamp. This option should be used to mark all logged Companies House Forms for a specific client or all clients within a specified date range as having been printed. This tool is useful when first starting to use Company Secretarial and other programs in the practice suite were used for a period prior to this.


CH Web Check

In Company Secretarial only, this option is a link to Companies House Web check service where searches can be performed for Companies.


Go to File | Exit. This closes out of the program.