IRIS Business Tax - Schedule A
Click the ![](../Letter_A_grey_Icon_16.png)
icon to see the answer:
How to file a CT600 for a charity.
Create a standalone LTD company within business tax, giving the client
a separate identifier to that in the accounts.
Manually enter the information within Data
entry | Charities and CASC`s
Reports | Electronic
Tax Return | attach the accounts externally as the accounts production
module and business tax will not be linked.
The company had Franked Investment
Income but this is not entered in box 38, nor is it being shown on the
corporation tax computation. ![](../Letter_A_grey_Icon_16.png)
Box 38 only has to be completed if the company claims to be charged at
the starting or small companies' rate or claims marginal, starting or
small companies' relief.
If the company made a loss or is being charged at the full rate of tax
box 38 is not completed and the Franked Investment Income memo is not
included on the corporation tax computation.
Where can I enter the number of associated
companies? ![](../Letter_A_grey_Icon_16.png)
Go to Data Entry | Calculation
| Tax Calculation.
Enter the number of associated companies excluding the company that you
are working on.
The business has a year end which straddles
two financial years why are boxes 40 and 41 on the CT600 for associated
companies not completed? ![](../Letter_A_grey_Icon_16.png)
These boxes only need to be completed if all the following are true:
The corporation tax accounting period straddles two financial years and
the upper or lower limits for marginal relief varies and
the number of associated companies was different.
For further information see Note 39 -
41 on the Company Tax Return Guide.
I have a company whose accounting period
straddles two financial years but boxes 53 to 56 on the CT600 for the
corporation tax chargeable are not being completed. ![](../Letter_A_grey_Icon_16.png)
These fields only have to be completed if there was a different tax rate
in the two financial years.
For further information see Notes 43 - 62 on the Inland Revenue's Company
Tax Return Guide.
Trying to enter an amount for Construction
Industry Deductions but the field is disabled? ![](../Letter_A_grey_Icon_16.png)
You should only enter deductions before 6 April 2002 in this field so if
the accounting period starts after this date Business Tax does not allow
you to access the field.
Companies now set off the CIS deductions they have suffered against the
PAYE, NICs, student loan repayments (SLR) and CIS they are due to account
for in respect of their own employees and subcontractors.
In future companies will only pay over the PAYE, NICs, SLR, and CIS due
after setting off the CIS deductions suffered.
Any deductions that cannot be set against the payments that the company
is liable to make during the year will be repaid at the end of the tax
year through the normal end of year PAYE process.
Please note box 73 has now been
replaced by double taxation relief.
How do I print the second CTAP in a
long period? ![](../Letter_A_grey_Icon_16.png)
Go to Reports | CT600,
select whether the report is final/interim/unrecorded and then choose
to print the return to the screen or be printed.
On the Corporation Tax Self Assessment
Return Print screen select the CTAP you wish to print at the top
of the screen, next to the period details.
How do I carry back DI trading losses?
Select Data entry | Calculation
| Income and then click Trading losses.
Enter the loss in the Carried back field. The carried back loss can also
be shown as brought back in the previous accounting period, using the
Brought back field.
Where do I enter the tax deducted at
source? ![](../Letter_A_grey_Icon_16.png)
Select Data Entry | Calculation
| Reliefs and Deductions in Terms of
Tax | Calculation of Tax Outstanding
or Overpaid tab.
Enter the amount into box 84, Income Tax deducted by gross income.