IRIS Autumn v22.3.3.48 service pack release notes

IRIS Autumn 2022 release notes



The IRIS Accountancy Suite Autumn service pack release version provides updates that reverse the 1.25% increase to National Insurance rate and the dividend tax rate. Also included is the ability to Archive Communications which adds a new degree of flexiibility around handling old communications logged in your Practice Management Suite. The release also resolves several issues found in previous releases.



IRIS Personal Tax

Reversal of the health and social levy

It has recently been announced that the government will reduce the National Insurance rate from 6th November 2022, in effect removing the temporary 1.25% increase for the remainder of 2022-23. As well as the increase in dividend tax rate from April 2023 being cancelled

Due to the turbulence of the government, and decisions being frequently reversed we have made the decision to hold off making any further changes to the NIC rate, instead these will be included in our next release.


Issues resolved:


IRIS Business Tax

Issues resolved:


IRIS Practice Management

Archive Communications

With the latest release, we are introducing the ability to archive communications in IRIS Practice Management. This feature will allow you to output old communications files into a folder of your choice, whilst maintaining the log on your communications panel.

This new feature will add a new degree of flexibility on how you decide to approach handling old communications logged on your Practice Management suite.