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icon to see the answer:
Why am I getting an Unknown member
on the Capital and Current accounts report?
This occurs when postings have been made to a member that does not exist.
The most common example of this is where a member has left the LLP in the
comparative year but there is a balance b/fwd for that member in the current
The balance on the members capital account will need to be cleared down
to zero in the year that the member left by doing a journal to move the
balance from the members current account to either debtors, creditors
or to the remaining members, resulting in a balance c/fwd of nil.
How do I post a disposal of a fixed
In this example we will assume a Motor car costing £10,000 has been disposed.
Credit account 525/3 (Motor vehicles
- Disposals) with the original cost, £10,000.
Debit account 525/23 (Motor vehicles
- Eliminated on disposal) with the depreciation to date, say £3,000.
Post the balance of the above to account 392/14
(Motor vehicles - Profit/loss on sale of assets), £7,000.
The actual sale proceeds will also be posted to account 392/14
(Motor vehicles - Profit/loss on sale of assets) say £8,000 (the debit
entry for example being to the bank account).
This will arrive at the profit on sale of motor car of £1,000
How do I set up the Members and their
share of profit?
Setting up the Members
Select Edit | Members
Click New, then click the magnifying
glass next to the Member box.
This will display a list of existing people in the database.
Highlight and select the new member if they appear in this list, or click
New to set up a new person in
the IRIS database.
Enter the dates the members started or left the business if relevant and
the accounting order number.
All members must be allocated an order number, unless you are setting up
a joint capital account.
The Accounting Order field is used
to determine:
the order in which the members appear on the information sheet,
which group in the accounts chart the member's salary and so on, is posted
Entering the Members Share of Profit
Select Edit | Members
Profit Shares
Select Shares
You will be asked to enter the Date member
net profit shares are to be effective from, if you have not entered
start dates for the members this field can be left blank and shares will
be effective from start. If start
dates were entered for the members enter that date as the date the shares
are to be effective from.
You will then be asked to specify the profit shares. If the profit is shared
equally select Equal and click
OK, if the profit is not shared
equally select Specified and enter
the percentage in the field provided.
Set the profit share for each individual member.
Click Shares to display the partners
profit allocation.
The screen shows the % profit split.
All active members must be allocated a share of profit even if they receive
zero percent this must be specified by ticking the Zero field for that
How do I set up a joint capital account?
Joint capital account can only be set up for two members. You can have
a three person LLP where two members share a joint capital account and
the third person receives an allocated percentage of profit.
Only one member in a joint capital account will have an order number, the
second (joint) member will not be allocated an order number.
Setting up the Members
Select Edit | Members
Click New, then click the magnifying
glass next to the Member box.
This will display a list of existing people in the database.
Highlight and select the new member if they appear in this list, or click
New to set up a new person in
the IRIS database.
Enter the dates the members started or left the business if relevant and
the accounting order number.
Allocate order number one to one of the members, the second (joint) member
will have no order number.
Entering the Members Share of Profit
Select Edit | Members
Profit Shares
Select Shares.
You will be asked to enter the Date member net profit shares are to be
effective from, if you have not entered start dates for the members this
field can be left blank and shares will be effective from start.
If start dates were entered for the members enter that date as the date
the shares are to be effective from.
You will then be asked to specify the profit shares. IRIS will display
the details for the member with order number 1.
Select the Joint capital account
field and either enter the identifier of the joint member or click the
magnifying glass to display the joint member, click OK.
Select Equal if profits are to
be shared equally or Specified
and enter the percentages for each member.
The screen shows that from the start of the business there is one member
sharing one hundred percent of the profit.
Click Shares to display the joint
capital account.
The screen shows the two members together and that the type of member is
How do I enter a change in the Member
profit share allocation?
In this example there are two members sharing the profit 45:55 from the
start of the business. However for the year ended 31 May 1999 the profit
is to be shared equally.
Select Edit | Members
Profit Shares
IRIS will display the current profit share details, select New
IRIS will ask you to enter the Date member
net profit shares are to be effective from, if the share allocation
has changed from one accounting period to the next, enter the date as
the first day of the accounting period.
You will be taken to each of the members in turn to enter their profit
shares. If the profits are shared equally select Equal
and click OK, if the profit is
not shared equally select Specified
and enter the percentage in the field provided.
The screen will display the new profit share.
Click Shares to show the new profit
The screen shows that from xx/xx/xx, the members are sharing the profit
equally (the date being relevant to the date of change).
All active members must be allocated a share of profit even if they receive
zero percent this must be specified by ticking the Zero field for that
How do I change the member profit share
when a new member is appointed?
When a new member joins a business you need to set up a new share date
to reflect the inclusion of the new member into the profit allocation.
All active members must be allocated a share of profit even if they receive
zero percent this must be specified by ticking the Zero field for that
Enter the new member in Edit |
Click New, then click the magnifying
glass next to the Member box.
This will display a list of existing people in the database.
Highlight and select the new member if they appear in this list or click
to set up a new person in the IRIS database.
Enter their date of appointment in the From
Enter the new members accounting order number.
The screen will display the existing members along with the new member.
Click Close, then select Member Profit Shares.
IRIS will display the existing profit share, select the relevant line,
and select Shares.
Enter the new profit allocation for all members.
The screen now shows all of the current members sharing the profit.
Select Shares to see the percentage
of the profit allocated to each member.
How do I change the member profit shares
if a member leaves the LLP?
When a member leaves a business you need to set up a new share date to
reflect the new profit allocation.
Select Edit | Members
highlight the member that has left the business and select View.
Enter the date the member has left in the To
Click Close, then select Member Profit Shares.
IRIS will display all share dates.
Select the relevant line and select Shares.
Enter the new profit allocation for all remaining members.
The screen now shows all of the current members sharing the profit.
Select Shares to see the percentage
of the profit allocated to each member.
All active members must be allocated a share of profit even if they receive
zero percent this must be specified by ticking the Zero field for that
How do I enter actual amounts for the
member profit share?
Select Posting | Post, select the
post file you wish to work in.
Click OK on the Review/Specify
posting batch screen.
Click Advanced | Partner
Profit Shares
IRIS asks you to confirm the start date of the current period, by displaying
the previous period end date, then adding one day.
Click the magnifying glass to select an alternative account period end
Click OK to continue or Cancel
to enter an earlier date or return to the posting screen.
The next screen will list the members with the calculated profit based
on the percentages allocated in Edit
| Members Profit Shares
You can change the profit for an individual member by highlighting the
member and clicking Change Share.
Clicking the magnifying glass in the Actual
field will either, insert:
the amount of profit share calculated by IRIS, or,
the balance of the remaining profit when actual amounts have been entered
for all but the final member
Enter the amount you wish to allocate to this member in the Actual
If the figure is a profit the amount should be prefixed with a minus sign.
If you wish to change the profit allocation for all members, click Change All.
Click OK to save or Cancel
to return to the Member net profit shares screen.
The next screen will show the current profit allocation for the business.
The figures for the Total Profit/loss and the Share total allocated have
to be the same.
Click OK to return to the Member Net Profit Shares screen.
I am getting a rounding difference
in my Sundry account, how do I move this?
A Rounding differences can be cleared by either making a journal adjustment
to account 280, and the other side of the entry to any other profit and
loss account, or, by changing the nominated rounding account for the client.
This can be changed by going to Posting
| Rounding Accounts
The rounding account can also be changed for the whole chart by going into
Setup | Accounts
Chart | Amend Chart, select
the EPST chart, then go to Rounding error accounts
How do I show the auditors / accountants name and address on the fly sheet? Click here.
How do I change the position of the wording on the fly sheet? Click here.
One or more of the members are not
listed on the company information page.
The company information page will only list members in office at the time
of signing the accounts.
If there are members in office at the time of signing that are not appearing,
check the following screens:
Edit | Data
Screens | Members | Members Changes Since Year End,
check that you only have members entered on this screen that have actually
left after the year end and not during the year, and similarly that members
entered here were actually appointed after the year end and not during
the year.
Also check that the members have not had an end date entered incorrectly.
To check this, go to Edit | Members and remove any incorrect
Why are the following items not appearing
on the Members report; Review of business, Dividends, Fixed assets?
The above items will be omitted from the members report if advantage is
being taken of the small LLP exemptions.
To disclose the above, select Edit
| Data Screens | Small
LLPs | Report of the Members,
select the items you wish to disclose.
How do I omit or change the standard
auditors paragraph on the members report?
Select Edit | Data
Screens | Report of the Members
| Auditors, leave the field provided
blank to omit the standard paragraph or enter an alternative paragraph
on the screen.
Why are the following items not appearing
in the accounts; Recognised gains and losses paragraph on Statutory profit
and loss account, Historical cost profits note, Continuing operations
paragraph on Statutory profit and loss account?
None of the above are required where accounts are prepared in accordance
with the FRSSE (Financial reporting standard for smaller entities).
If you do not wish accounts to be prepared in accordance with the FRSSE,
select Edit | Data
Screens Small LLPs | FRSSE,
leave the field provided blank.
How do I post a revaluation of a fixed
In this example, we will assume that a Freehold property has been revalued
from £100,000 to £120,000.
Debit account 512/5 (Cost - freehold
property) with £20,000.
Credit account 970/5 (No description
- Revaluation reserve) with £20,000.
Data screens for the revaluation should be completed.
These can be found in Edit | Data screens | Notes
to Financial Statements | Balance
Sheet Items | Tangible Fixed Assets| Revaluation.
Both the Information and Analysis of "Cost or Valuation" screens
should be filled in.
I have posted to different fixed assets
groups but they are all coming out in the reports as Plant and Machinery
and so on.
This is because the client is taking advantage of the small LLP exemptions.
If you wish to disclose the fixed assets with their actual group headings,
select Edit | Data
Screens | Small LLPs |
Financial Statements, select Tangible assets and Depreciation
accounting policy, to say that you require full disclosure.
I have entered the Tangible asset depreciation
rates but they are not appearing in the accounting policies.
Do you actually have postings in sub accounts of that account? for example,
if you have set up a depreciation rate for account 526,
check that you have postings to accounts 526/1
to 526/30 or 526/51
to 526/80. Please refer to the
chart of accounts.
Have you entered a start date or end date for the policy? Check that the
start or end date entered is relevant to the year for which you are generating
the accounts.
How do I transfer leased assets into
owned assets?
Where the hire purchase agreement for an asset has been completed and the
asset is to be transferred to the owned group make the following adjustments,
an example for motor vehicles is given:
Debit, for example, 525/9, with
original cost
Credit, for example, 525/59, with
original cost
Debit, for example, 525/79, with
accumulated depreciation
Credit, for example, 525/29, with
accumulated depreciation
If there has been a charge for year posted, then this should also be moved
in the same way as the cost and accumulated depreciation.
Why are certain accounting policies
not appearing, I have not said I want to omit them, or I have replaced
them with my own policy but it is not appearing?
Accounting policies will only be generated if there are postings to the
relevant account, for example, the Hp leasing policy will only be generated
if postings have been made to the Lease/HP asset groups and the Stock
policy will only be generated if there are postings to accounts 568 to 582.
You can not add to or replace a policy that isn't being generated, if you
wish to enter your own policy use the freeform accounting policy screens.
I have changed the Intangible asset
description (account 503) from patents and licences but it is still coming
out as Other intangible assets.
This is because IRIS is taking advantage of the small LLP exemptions.
To use the changed description, select Edit
| Data Screens | Small
LLPs | Financial Statements,
select the option for full disclosure in the field against Intangible
fixed assets.
The description of goodwill on account 502 can not be amended.
How can I prepare accounts utilising
the small LLPs exemptions, without applying the FRSSE provisions?
Select Edit | Data
Screens | Small LLPs |
Financial Statements and select
the option to claim ANY exemptions
in respect of small LLPs.
Select the relevant boxes if you want full disclosure on the topics, Interest
on bank loans, Staff, Intangible assets etc.
Ensure the option to prepare the financial statement in accordance with
FRSSE has not been select on the
data screen Small LLPs / FRSSE.
IRIS & IRIS Software Group are trade marks. © IRIS Software Ltd . All rights reserved.