Creating your own notes


Text appears within the notes as typed on screen (word wrapping occurs), if a blank line is required within the notes between paragraphs leave a blank line within the data screens.

The data screens are continuous. Once the box for entering data has been completely filled a scroll bar will appear to allow further data to be entered. In addition if the note is to cover more than one page, a page break can be entered. Right-mouse click (or press Ctrl + Alt + enter) and select Conditional Page Break on the line below where the page break is required.

Text can be copied from other word processing packages; for example, Microsoft Word and use the edit option to paste into any data screen. Tables cannot be copied.


Bold or Underline

When creating your own notes within the data screens, any text can be made bold or underlined. If you select Format | Toggle Bold or Toggle Underline any text typed after this selection will be bold or underlined. If the text has already been entered, highlight and click Format | Toggle Bold or Toggle Underline. Alternatively hold down control and B or U respectively once highlighted.



If a note with columns is required, simply click on Table from the toolbar or right-click with the mouse and select Insert table.

A box will appear asking about the required number of rows and columns. The maximum number of rows at this stage is 9, but more can be added. If the number of columns is left at 3, Accounts Production automatically assumes the required layout to be the same as the standard notes which are produced. Therefore if your system is set to shade the comparatives the column on the right will be shaded, also the current year will be automatically bold if that is the standard setup. Select Reports | Options to change these settings.


Once a table has been created, right-mouse or click the table icon from the toolbar to:

To amend the cell properties, right mouse click and select cell properties, this can alter:

To create the rule required for totals, a cell must be split in two and then the appropriate cell given a rule off property. Column separators can be dragged using the mouse. All rows will change at the same time. However if you wish to change just the width of a single cell then hold the Shift key whilst the border is being dragged. This will limit the change to just the one cell.

In addition if a single £ is entered in a cell, this will be placed in the same position as within the standard notes.