Share Register - Dividends tab

This screen shows a list of dividend issues for the client identified at the top of the share register. Once shares have been allocated to the relevant shareholders, that is, transactions made, then dividends can be set for these allocated shares.

Clone creates a new dividend issue based on the highlighted dividend. This option cannot be used if there are no dividends entered. Warrants, gives details of members that are entitled to a dividend, as they hold the necessary shares on the required date. There is also the option to print the warrants for the listed members.



How to create a new dividend

In the Dividends tab, click New or Clone. The New Share Dividend screen displays, requiring details to be entered.


A description of each field is given below:

Share type is for the share type the dividend issues are based on; there is a drop-down arrow that identifies the various share types that have been created in the share register.

Y/E select the accounting period end date that the dividend is applicable to in order for the details to be disclosed correctly in Accounts Production. Click the Choose Y/E option to display a list of year ends available for this client.

Payment due enter the exact date the dividend is due to be paid on, click the magnifying glass to display a calendar.

Shares held as at the end of should be filled in with the date that the shares need to have been held on for the member to be eligible for the dividend, again clicking the magnifying glass will display a calendar.

Dividend per share should be entered without using a currency symbol, that is, enter 1 instead of £1.

Tax rate % automatically defaults to 10% but it can be overwritten.

Interim, select to identify this is an interim dividend issue; leave the box blank if it is a final dividend issue.

On documents as will be completed if tabbed into with the Dividend per share information and it will include the £ symbol. This amount can be overwritten and appears on the dividend warrant.

Person signing this defaults to the company secretary automatically and can be overwritten. The text should be the details of the person expected to sign the dividend warrant and will display at the bottom of the printed dividend warrant.

Description should be filled in with the description that is to be used on the reports and the dividend warrants, any other information can be put in the Narrative field. The Narrative field is used purely for reference information. The text contained here currently does not display anywhere else.

Once this screen has been filled out click OK for the dividend to be saved and shown on the main dividend screen or Cancel to abort the creation of the new dividend.

Viewing details of a dividend

In the Dividends tab, highlight a dividend and click View. The same detail will be displayed for a New dividend. The information on this screen can be altered. Click Save to save any changes to the information.

Warrants gives details of members that are entitled to a dividend, as they hold the necessary shares on the required date. There is also the option to print the warrants for the listed members.

Generating Warrants

In the Share register select the Dividends tab, highlight the relevant dividend and click Warrants.

The Dividend Warrants screen displays listing each shareholder and the amount of dividend that the shareholder will be getting. At the bottom of the screen it shows the Total Dividend that all the shareholders will be getting for this dividend issue.

Options available on the Dividend warrants screen:

To generate the warrants into Microsoft Word, click Print. The warrants display on screen and can be printed from there.

Highlight a member and click View Member, which displays the details for the shareholder or shareholders if it is a joint shareholding, and what shares they hold for each share type in this client. An option to waive the dividend can also be made in this screen.

Click Close to exit out of the Dividend Warrants screen.