Limited Companies

Alternative layouts - Contents page


&01 = &00 - Use when a range of pages is required in the report index. When selected, if a section of the report covers more than one page it will be shown in the index in the format x to y.


How do I setup a report alias?


Alternative layouts - Fixed asset reports

Data Screen options

Edit | Data Screens | Small Companies | Financial Statements

Options to say full disclosure is required for Tangible assets and Depreciation accounting policy, which will change the layout of the fixed asset note from displaying 'Plant and Machinery etc'/'Land and Buildings' headings to showing the individual asset group headings.



FIA = FIX - Prints the fixed assets note in small company abbreviated accounts (ABB) showing all asset groups rather than the total figures only.


FLX = FLW (or FLS = FLW) - Generates the alternative disclosure of hire purchase and finance lease assets suggested by paragraph 50 of SSAP 21, a sentence stating the value of hire purchase and finance lease assets instead of a separate hire purchase and finance lease asset table.


INX = INW - Generates the alternative disclosure of finance lease assets for investment property, a sentence stating the value of finance lease investment property instead of a separate finance lease table.


How do I setup a report alias?


Alternative layouts - Fly sheets

Data screen options

Edit | Data Screens | Flysheet | Refer to "Audited/Unaudited"

Options to refer to "Audited/Unaudited" on the flysheet


Edit | Data Screens | Flysheet | Cessation of Trading

Option to refer to cessation of trading on flysheet if Ceased date is entered in Client | View



FLY = FLO - Produces an alternative fly sheet which indicates the registered number at the top right corner for full sets of limited company accounts and the accountants name and address on the bottom of the page.


FLY = FLC - Produces a fly sheet with the registered number in the top right corner for full sets of limited company accounts.


FLY = FLM - Produces an alternative fly sheet which refers to management accounts.


$FN = $FO - Used with FLO to omit the registered number


$FF = $OO - Used with FLO to omit accountants name and address.


$FG = $FH - Used with FLO, FLI, FLM, to have fly sheet with company name shown before report title.


How do I setup a report alias?


Alternative layouts - Statutory profit and loss accounts

Data Screen Options

Edit | Data Screens | Profit and Loss Account | Profit and Loss Reserve

Option to display the profit and loss reserve at the end of the statutory profit and loss account, rather than within a reserves note.



When running report LTD IRISPTP will, by default generate the Companies Act 1985 format 1 profit and loss account, if you wish to generate the format 2 profit and loss account set the following alias.


PL1 = PL2 - Substitutes a Companies Act 1985 format 2 profit and loss account for the usual format 1. Applicable if there is no split between continuing and discontinuing operations.


Example reports

Click here to see PL1 - Companies Act 1985 format 1 profit and loss account

Click here to see PL2 - Companies Act 1985 format 2 profit and loss account


PF1 = PF2 - Substitutes a Companies Act 1985 format 2 profit and loss account for the usual format 1. Applicable if there is a split between continuing and discontinuing operations.


How do I setup a report alias?


Alternative layouts- Trading and profit and loss account

Data Screen options

Edit | Data Screens | Non-Statutory Profit and Loss Account | Gross Profit Percentage

Option to disclose the gross profit percentage on the non-statutory profit and loss account

Edit | Data Screens | Non-Statutory Profit and Loss Account | Branches - Full Sets

When using branches options, to show non-statutory profit and loss for



TPL = TP1 - Similar to TPL but shows single figures for turnover and cost of sales. Detail of expenditure is broken down into headings of administration, distribution, selling and marketing and establishment costs.


TPL = TP2 - Similar to TPL but includes finance costs, depreciation, profit/loss on sale of fixed assets, amounts written off investments and exceptional items under the general heading of "Expenditure".


TPL = PDP - Produces a summarised form of the trading profit and loss account with a separate notes section detailing the breakdown when run as part of PSA or PSN.


$TP = $TK - Produces an alternative top half of TPL/TP1/TP2 up to the gross profit line showing "Direct costs" as a separate section after cost of sales, which lists accounts 43-72.


$TP = $TL - Produces an alternative income section for TPL/TP1/TP2. Accounts 1 to 9 are listed under a heading taken from group 1 description and accounts 10/1-50 under a heading taken from account 10.


$TP = $T1 - Produces an alternative income section for TPL/TP1/TP2, showing an overall total for Turnover and and overall total for cost of sales.


Click below to see interactive examples

TPL report

TP1 report

TP2 report


How do I setup a report alias?


Alternative layouts - Other

Data screen options

Edit | Data Screens | Presentation Options | Notes to the financial statements

Option to show the range of pages for the notes to the financial statements in the footer of the statutory reports, e.g

The notes on pages 5-9 form part of the statutory financial statements


Edit | Data Screens | Presentation Options | Notes to the financial statements

Option to produce one set of statutory notes for all topics including cash flow statement notes.



$TS = $TO - (O for Orange) Prints the geographical turnover note in £ amount rather than the % report allowed by Small Companies Exemptions.


$GL = $OO - Use when an asset is devalued and the amount put through the profit and loss account. It will omit the error message suggesting that the recognised gains and losses screen must be completed.


How do I setup a report alias?