Interactive Report Overview


The Interactive Report can be accessed by going to Reports | Annual | Interactive Report


The Interactive Report gives the user the ability to change and save data in a financial report. Clicking on parts of the report takes the user to the data entry screen where amendments can be made and saved.

Clicking on these highlighted areas opens up the relevant data entry screen. The user can drill down into group descriptions, account descriptions, data screens and client maintenance.

Further information is provided below.


Quick Menu– by default this allows a user to view the help files.

Ribbon menu – shows all of the menu options that can be applied to the report depending on the users permissions settings.

Reports desktop – shows up to three reports that can be generated. Includes the Search & Bookmarks panel


Quick Menu

This is located above the Ribbon Menu and by default there is a help button.


Ribbon Menu


This is the default toolbar ribbon.


Hide/Show panel

Allows the user to hide/show the left-hand panel displaying the search box and bookmarks for the report.


Trial Balance Drill Down Current Year

Allows the user to open the trial balance for the current year showing the account balances on every account.


The following options are available:


Trial Balance Drill Down Last Year

This screen is available for reference purposes and is read only. It allows the user to display the trial balance, showing account balances on every account, for the last year. The last year is defined by using the posting entry selected for last year when running the report. The user cannot post or amend from this screen.

Print - allows the user to print hard copies of the Interactive Report. This option will be available within the Report tab. Where this feature is enabled the user can print a hard copy of the report. Due to the extensiveness of some reports, consideration of resources and the environmental impact should be taken into account.

Refresh - allows the user to apply all changes made to the Interactive Report and refresh the report viewed on screen.


Reports Desktop

This is the main area of the window where the report outputs are displayed. Each report is displayed from its own tab for quick reference. Each report uses the same navigation functions at the bottom of the screen; either scroll page by page using the next and previous options or enter a page number and click Go to jump directly to a specified page. A scroll bar is also provided when necessary to view a whole page.


Report, for example, LTD tab

This tab displays the report type that was run, for example Report –LTD or Report –NOT and so on. The functions available within this view will depend on the user’s permissions settings.

This is the report output area where users can make amendments. The user can click on any item within the report that is highlighted in orange, this will take them to the screen where this data can be changed.


Making Changes

To make any changes the user should single left click in the field that is highlighted orange. The screen containing the data clicked on will open, the user should then make the required amendment, and then click Save or OK.

Once taken into a screen the user will only be able to amend the data in the field that they accessed via the report. If other fields within the same screen need amendment, the user should amend and save each field separately.


Saving Changes and running Refresh

On saving your change, the report will try to immediately apply this and refresh the report on your screen. However, where data held in a text box is amended, the report cannot be automatically refreshed as changes to text could require line or page adjustments. In this case the following message is displayed:



If the user clicks Yes the refresh will run.

If the user clicks No a reminder will display at the bottom of the screen.



This reminder will stay on the screen until the user either clicks Refresh from the Ribbon Menu or closes the report.


Working Papers Links

This tab allows users to apply a link from a figure within the Financial Statement to an external document.

This will allow users to attach a single spreadsheet to the Financial Statement and then to link different worksheets to different values to provide further background information.

The Working papers Links can be set up as a default at client or at chart level.  

If set at chart level, this will allow users to create a single template with specifically named worksheets, relevant to a particular chart, which could be used for all clients using that chart. This would mean that links would not have to be set for all clients on an individual basis.

Once documents are linked, they can be opened directly from the Financial Statement, which could help when reviewing the accounts.

There are more details about setting up a defaults at:

Chart level in:  Setup | Accounts Charts | Amend | Working Papers Links and

Client level in:  Edit | Working Papers Links


Working Papers Index

When an item is selected the working papers index panel becomes available.

It will show the description of the item the user has selected, that is, Turnover, and which period it relates to, that is, current or last year.

File Name

If a default setting HAS been applied then this field will automatically be populated. If a default has NOT been applied users can browse for the spreadsheet.

Worksheet and Reference

Where a default has been applied the fields may already be pre-populated with the appropriate selection. The worksheets on the spreadsheet are used to populate the drop down list in the Worksheet column. From here users can select and save the appropriate worksheet for the item selected. Users can also add a reference

To save any changes with the working papers index tab, click   at the top of this panel.

Other Documents

The Other Documents section allows you to link further documents to this item by either dragging and dropping files into this box or selecting Add file ….

Selecting to add file allows users to upload documents from either Communication Tracking within IRIS Practice Management or documents saved externally.  

The Notes section is a free text box to allow the pre-parer or reviewer to add any notes that they think may be helpful.


Warnings Report

Where warnings are generated during the running of the report then this tab will be displayed to report them in detail.

Each warning is broken down to advise what the issue is and if possible where within IRIS the correction needs to be applied. In addition, to make this easier, the exception types are grouped together.

The Warnings Report is not a live report therefore once adjustments have been made it is advised to close and re-run the report to confirm the Warnings have been addressed.

Where there are no warnings found, then this tab will not be displayed.


Exceptions Report

If any exceptions are generated while running the report, then this tab will report each of them in detail.


Where there are no exceptions found, then this tab will not be displayed.



The search facility can be used to search for words or phrases within the report produced. Enter the text in the Search field, selecting Match case and/or Whole Word where relevant and select enter on the keyboard or click on one of the arrows. The number of instances is displayed, for example, 1 of 11, with the currently selected instance of the word referenced. Each instance of the word found within the report will be highlighted in yellow and when selected will be highlighted in blue.

Selecting the X will clear the search terms.



A list will be displayed below the search showing the components and notes of the reports. By clicking on these bookmarks the reports will jump to the selected location.