Related Party Exemption

This client screen is used for Limited Liability Partnerships.

It can be found in:

Edit | Data Screens | Notes to Financial Statements – Required by Law | Accounting Policies | Alternative Accounting Policies | Related Party Exemption


Edit | Data Screens | Notes to Financial Statements | Accounting Policies | Alternative Accounting Policies | Related Party Exemption


Edit | Data Screens | Notes to Financial Statements | Other Disclosures | Related Party Disclosures | Related Party Exemption


Show the policy

Select this box to produce the default wording as shown within the text field.  Default wording can be amended if required.

Choose where the wording will appear by selecting A/B in the Please enter your choice field.


Use the heading box to change/add to the default heading of Related party exemption.

The heading will only be used where A is entered within the Please enter your choice field to generate an accounting policy.

Where B is selected to show the wording within the Related party disclosures note, the note heading itself will be used.


Use the text box to change/add text to the default wording:

The LLP has taken advantage of exemption, under the terms of Financial Reporting Standard 102 "The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland", not to disclose related party transactions with wholly owned subsidiaries within the group.’


Quick Guides

Click here to see information about generating a table within the notes.

Click Expressions in Data Screens to see information about generating Expressions to incorporate variable data into notes.


Use this option to view or print any report without leaving this screen.

IRIS will return to the Related Party Exemption data screen when you exit the report option.

To view the notes only enter NOT in the Report/Document field.