Change of Company Name

This client screen is used for Limited Companies.

It can be found in:

Edit | Data Screens | Report of the Directors | Change of Company Name

This screen should only be completed if the Company changed its name during the period or after the year end.

Date of Change of Name

Enter the date in numeric form.

Previous Name

Enter the previous name in this field.

It is also possible to enter an earlier change of name by entering the date and the name in the fields provided.

IRIS will generate the following paragraph in the Directors report:


The company passed a special resolution on [Date entered in Date of change of name field] changing its name from 'Previous name' to 'New name'. It passed a further special resolution on [Date entered in Earlier date of change of name field]changing its name to [Earlier Previous Name].

Reference to Old Name

Tick these fields to show the clients previous name on the front page and at the top of every page on the Financial Statements.

The name will follow the text: 'previously known as'. This will only show the most recent change of name.


Use this option to view or print any report without leaving this screen.

IRIS will return to the Change of company name screen when you exit the report option.

To view the Directors report only enter DIR in the Report/Document field.